Grand re-re-reopening…

That’s what they all say…

It’s safe to say that I’ve started this blog and website multiple times without making much progress. It’s finally time to change that, starting with this blog post. Recently, I’ve begun walking with a new energy and pride in my creations. I want to put them on a larger pedestal, decorate the altar, and invite the world to see it them in all their glory….all while I admire from the audience’s point of view. Hiding in plain sight, so not actually hiding at all.

In case ya didn’t stop by the “About Me” page, I’m known on the interwebs as Nicky and I’m the owner of this here website. I’m a southern belle trapped in the bitter cold of the Midwest. I’m also a dramatic Floridian that loves gators, spends around 10% of my life girl-blogging, and prefers swimming in salt water over pools. I’m also an anime watching, Doctor Who loving, headbanging electrical engineer. I’m also a pretty but awkward girl that enjoys talking to bees, making things and tying up my legs.

Oh fuck, I’m almost 30…

I’ve been calling myself 30 for the past couple years even though the day isn’t until this July. Part of me is calm and ready for the next segment of life; part of me is nervous; and another part of me is “heart beating in my chest, laughing to keep from crying” nervous. I’m nervous partly because of the divide and multiply thing. I’m mostly nervous because it’s been three decades and I have to start showing what “I” want to leave on the world. I feel like birth to maybe twelve was for your parents to prove they didn’t accidentally kill you and they could make a kid that could do the basics. Your teens are for figuring out who you would like to be and what you think is possible for you based on what you have and haven’t seen so far. The 20s are for reforming boundaries, building habits, picking/aligning with your path the 2nd-5th times; & trying not to fuck up your metabolism. Your 30s are for enjoying the work of your 20s, growing the fruits of your labor and combining paths 1 and 5 with paths 3 and 8.

My 20s were spent working for my next choice and trying not to fuck my body up too much. Like the procrastinator that I am, I’m going to spend the last months of my 30s putting in the work I should’ve been doing. this time though, I’m smarter and I know myself more. I’m going to enjoy the creation process this go round. I’m also going to stay focused and get down to business. The only way to do that is to establish ground rules so here goes.

  • It’s not what you do, it’s how it’s done. Humanity has been around for about +/- 20,000 years. When you really think about it, we’ve accomplished a helluva lot and not much. There’s still no way to fully purify salt water but there’s a “new” smartphone model every year. Trends repeat ever 20 to 5 years. The moon has been illustrated 1,000,000 ways by now. What separates my way from all others is that it’ll be done MY way; and I can list 10 different ways in 30 seconds.
  • This blog will be the only place I share my plans before I complete them. If I’ve learned anything from the “motivational” pages on social media, it’s that telling anyone your plans before you finish, ESPECIALLY before you start, will ruin your plans. Some people will encourage you, some people will hate the idea entirely. Everyone will try to change it and how you feel about it, intentionally and unintentionally. Sometimes “encouragement” turns into unneeded pressure. Sometimes criticism crushes your vibe. Too many hands in the pot ruins the soup. I thought about getting a Patreon but I want all of my work to be on my site. The only people I want getting a cut for my work are people how collaborate directly on the project because I asked them to, not because they felt like their opinion matters.
  • Research. Research! RESEARCH! No more buying a shit ton of supplies before I’ve read at least 2 articles and watched at least 5 videos on the craft. I’ve spent $1,000s in the past on all the materials to start a hobby…only to hate it after the first project. My bank account says NO MORE! If the project cannot be done with $50 or less, I will look for a class on GroupOn.
  • Finish the first project completely before I start planning the next 3. I refuse to continue to be the crafter with unfinished projects all over the place. At the end of every month, I will be frogging (unraveling a crochet project) and dismantling any unfinished projects (except for the one I’m working on, obviously). Also, ONE project of each type per month.
  • To play one hour of Sims – or any video game really – I must CODE for 2 hours that day FIRST. If I have the energy to stare at a screen and click around, I have the energy to code. No more fucking around. I can make a game, work on my website; hell, I could make custom content for Sims!
  • GET FUCKING DISCIPLINED. I have been three different pants sizes this year and it’s only March. That whole “girls’ bodies fluctuates” line is a load of bullshit. I have been LAZY this year and I need to get off my ass. I love slow crafts & tiny details. Wanting to sell hundreds of slow crafts with tiny details does not leave room for procrastination. If I want to wear what I make without always having to resize myself or the outfit fitting different than how I pictured it, I need to get to one size and fucking STAY there!
  • I make what I want, love. I will not change or minimize my art because of the opinions of others. I don’t worry about who’s going to like it, who will hate it, what my mother will say, what a man will say. I am going to make what I want, what I love, what I’m passionate about. I’m going to make the highly detailed miniature trains one window at a time. I’m going to crochet lingerie, costumes, mittens and stuffed animals. I’m going to make paper, grow trees, bake bread, make music and write books about it all. Or none of it.
  • This is all an experiment. I have to think of every project as an experiment. The materials will change form as the experiment progresses. Some stages appear messier than others; some stages will appear like the last step, but no step can be neglected. The only way to call something a fact is to test it repeatedly by multiple sources. the work of others is to be referenced and cited, never plagiarized or stolen. You must ALWAYS learn from both success and failure to truly grow.
  • Treat every project like it’s my first and last. I will approach every project with the mindset that I can learn, grow, improve and give my all. I am lucky, talented and fortunate to be able to create at will. There are plenty that have less than me and/or are not as able-bodied as I am. If that does not stop them from reaching, I cannot allow myself to stop myself.

So what’s to next?

I have quite a few projects I want to complete over the next couple years.

Pants are for squares…

Does anyone else remember that episode of Fairly OddParents when Timmy’s Dad is the Squirrely Scouts troop leader, and insists that pants are for squares? Well…I’ve lived my life by that since I was a kid. If it’s not for school, I would rather be in a skirt, something made of lace or nothing at all. Despite by hatred for pants, I’m stuck in the cold Midwest remember? Not owning pants is asking for frozen lips, ya know? At least, that’s what I thought until 90s fashion made a come back and “do what I want” kicked in at the same time. the product? Jean skirts. I have about 15+ pair of jeans that will get cut up, rearranged and stitched back together with a number of different yarns and fabrics from my craft room.

Book One, Chapter 1…

I’ve been talking about this for awhile but I’m finally going to do it! I’m going to re-publish an open source crochet book. I’m going to follow each pattern at least once, take new pictures, update the patterns (and develop new ones); and publish the book in a few ways. First, as a hand-written re-publish. Second, as an ebook. Third, on Amazon. Fourth, on Etsy / Raverly / Ribblr / etc as individual patterns. I might just write a book, I do love to ramble.

Saving the planet…

I didn’t realize how much junk mail my mom and I received a month until I let it pile up and shredded it all at once. I filled up 2 garbage bags. I can only imagine how much my neighbors are getting. I find the waste of paper ridiculous considering we had a 75 degree day in February this year. While I do have the patience and pots to grow a couple of avocado trees, I don’t have the land and capital (yet) to grow a couple acres of spruce trees and hemp. Being the Earth lover that I am, I have to do something to combat the destruction. Being the overachiever that I am, I’m going to do two things. First, I’m starting at least 10 avocado trees this year in pots. I figure by the end of the summer, I will have given and/or sold some to people that will keep them going and nurse the rest myself. My second task is making paper crafts. Paper sculptures, journals, paper, all the things.

Summer cosplay…

Thus far, I’ve done Bulma (Dragonball) for January and Him (Powerouff Girls) for February. March is Juvia from Fairy Tail….I hate to say it but like Jan and Fab, it’s the end of the month and I have a lot of work to do. My goal was to complete one cosplay per month but that has been difficult to stick to for a number of reasons (procrastination, sleep, sex, bread kneading) but I don’t want to give up yet. For the summer months, I’m planning for Numbah Five (Code Name Kids Next Door) in June, Albedo (Overlord) in July, and Panty (Panty & Stocking) for August. Every other month is going to be a simple project to allow for other projects, a social life and to give my hands a break. For June, I’m cutting up a dress I already have and crocheting the hat. for July, I’m making everything. For August, it’s a simple red dress to knit with the Addi machine.

To lace or not to lace…

I’m getting into lace making this year. I’m going to start simple with pillow case trims chokers. By the end of the year, I want to write an umbrella pattern and make a four-piece lingerie set (garters, teddy, panty, stockings/socks). Next year, I’m making veils and dresses. Crocheting and sewing lace takes for-fucking-ever but the finished project is so beautiful, like painting a kimono or making a katana, two other items on my “to create” list. Queen’s Blade is giving me a lot of ideas.


Don’t you just love double entendres? I do. I am looking forward to this one! I am going to be drawing and 3D modeling characters based off my favorite books to make stickers and use in my miniature dioramas. I’m also going to use the digital 3D characters in mini games on this site and an app! I got a tablet recently and I have my eye out for a laserjet printer. By Halloween, I’m going to make a killing! It’s time for me to step into the guro art world.

Let’s get mini…

To practice my lace making and gauging, I’m making linens, bedding and upholstery for miniature houses. the 1:12 and 1:24 scales are swatch size so it’s the perfect way to practice. I’m finally starting on that miniature town!…well…universe really. I have plans to make a few anime worlds, Victorian doll houses, a city with a train, quite a few dungeons (adventurers’ and exhibitionists’), the seven wonders of the world, my favorite memories from vacations. The best part about making miniatures is I can make damn near everything out of yarn, down to the stained glass windows. I can also make it out of scraps and dollar store material. Eventually I’ll buy better paints and stronger material for large projects, but there’s no rush. The first projects are a pre-built dollhouse and a nightstand-to-dollhouse makeover.

Not Mr. Smith or Mr. Glass…

I’m on the hunt for a blacksmithing, knife making and glassblowing class. Yes, I want to make knives and swords. I also want to make the railroad spikes, fences, windows, cups, and support frames for my dollhouses and cities. In a somehow related tangent, the universe has a funny way of bringing me what I want but I have a funny way of half-asking, so I can’t be too pissed with the results. Without revealing too much, let’s just say I’m asking the universe for a partner with glass blowing, blacksmithing and/or knife forging skills, not a Mr. Smith, Ms. Glass or man with check forging skills. Though…a partner with foraging skills would be lovely.

Told ya I like to ramble…

Part of the reason I want to make paper is because I have a lot of ideas I need to get written down but I don’t want to spend all of my time staring at a screen. If you’ve made it this far, thanks for sticking in there. If you got mad because there’s no TLDR or quit somewhere in the middle and skipped to the end, do better. My writing isn’t that bad or complicated, you’re just lazy. 😛

Until next time…


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